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Arper: Designing the world we live in

“We started with Arper as a responsible producer. That was good, but today it is not enough. So we are trying to live up to our founding leadership, to act as a leader not a follower” ​​​​— Michela Possagno, Arper’s Environment Expert

Aava 02: Find beauty in reinvention

The new edition for 2023 of Aava 02, designed by Antti Kotilainen earlier in 2013, marks an evolution in Arper’s sustainability journey. For Aava 02, we implemented a custom post-consumer plastic, mainly derived from detergent bottles.

Arper Lab Articles

Sustainability as a driver of transformation

Andrea Mulloni, Head of Sustainability inside Arper, talks about the company’s Sustainability Plan: a strategic, versatile and long-term program focused not only on reduction of emissions, but also on the creation of shared value.

Sustainability as a strategic choice

In the lack of environmental standards and rules in the furniture industry, certain analytical tools like LCA permit the creation of expertise and a strategic method that can become a competitive advantage.

Sustainable Furniture Design: crises as opportunities

The expert consultant on sustainable design Ursula Tischner underlines the urgency of a strategic approach and objective tools of evaluation of environmental impact. While debunking some preconceptions about materials in furnishings.

Optimism, collective action and

The power of sweeping visions to grasp the complexity of design. And “sustain-ability” as a collective and proactive strategy for the future. We talked it over with Shashi Caan, an architect and educator based in New York.

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